Ending Cycles


Ending Cycles is a project born with the intention of exploring and appreciating all the beauty which is present in the vegetation around us. This project seeks to create an experience which is visually pleasant and at the same time delivers a very specific message. By using the photographic portrait, such ending cycles have been explored, demonstrating how subtle, unnoticed and mesmerizing they can be.

As human beings it is common to recognize beauty mostly when it is blooming. We admire plants and trees, because of their color, texture, fragrance, and even for all the fruits that reach our hands. The same way, we appreciate the unique cycle of growth that each of these living beings executes. Nevertheless, this project goes farther than exploring beauty in its development phase.

Plants, trees and any form of vegetation start to lose their elements. Leaves lose their stability, change their color and fall. They begin to shrink and wrinkle until they dry up, thus beginning a new cycle being part of something else. Ending Cycles explores the decadence cycle present in each of these living beings. A cycle that occurs in a natural way, or caused by our own acts, and despite declining, it is appreciable and beautiful in its own way. A kind of beauty that is simple and complex, it is spontaneous, it is something that has no end.

Ending Cycles pays tribute to all of these living beings, such as plants, trees or shrubbery that make the best of their own without asking for too much and help us continue with our existence. For that reason, it is important to recognize our environment and appreciate, in every sense of the word, everything that surrounds us so we can be able to preserve it, give it a special meaning and this way, share the journey of life together.


The Ending Cycles Portraits appeared on the web from September 21st to December 21st during 2016. One new portrait every day.

Full project: Ending Cycles

Marco Domínguez

Available for Freelance Projects Available for Freelance Projects


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